Ambassador Ma Xinmin Publishes Article Titled Institutional Cornerstone of Chinese Miracleson Sudan Vision
2019-10-30 18:20

On Octobor 30th, Chinese Ambassador to Sudan Ma Xinmin publishes an signature article titled Institutional Cornerstone of Chinese Miracles on Sudan Vision. The full text is as follows:

Over the past seventy years since the founding of the People's Republic of China, the Chinese people have created, under the leadership of the Communist Party of China (CPC), Chinese miracles that are the marvel of the world. These miracles are credited to the institutional cornerstone that is the fundamental political system of people's congresses featuring the running of the country by the people.

The system of people's congresses is the fundamental approach and way for the Chinese people to run the country and exercise state power, and also a fundamental political system that combines the CPC's leadership, the running of the country by the people, and rule of law. Under the system of people's congresses, deputies are elected in a democratic manner to constitute the National People's Congress (NPC) and local people's congresses at various levels, and then government institutions are formed on the basis of people's congresses. In this way, organizational forms of political power through which people run the country and exercise state power come into being. The essence of the system of people's congresses can be summarized in four highlights as below.

The system of people's congresses is politically based on the CPC's leadership. In China, the CPC's leadership, as the leadership core of the nation, guides the work of people's congresses constituted by the people's deputies, including both CPC members and members from other political parties, who are not elected by their parties and neither represent their own parties' interests nor carry out activities in the name of their parties. Under this system, the CPC is the ruling party, while other democratic parties, neither parties out of power nor opposition parties, participate in the administration of state affairs. The CPC's leadership over people's congresses reflects its leadership over state affairs, which is a defining feature and unique advantage of China's system of people's congresses.

The system of people's congresses is characterized by the principle that state power comes from the people. As an ancient Chinese saying goes, "bringing benefit to the people is the fundamental principle of governance." All state power belongs to the people, and, under the principle of democratic centralism, the people exercise state power in a centralized manner and make decisions collectively, through the NPC and local people's congresses at various levels composed of the democratically elected deputies. National major issues are decided through discussions of the NPC and its standing committee, while local major issues are decided through discussions of local people's congresses and their standing committees. People's congresses must administer state affairs for the interests of the people and of their own free will, serve and take responsibility for the people, accept their oversight, and ensure state power is ultimately in the hands of all the people.

The system of people's congresses is underpinned by the tenet that people's congresses wield and exercise state power. People's congresses are the organs of state power through which the people exercise power, instead of purely legislative organs. The NPC is the highest organ of state power, while local people's congresses at various levels are local organs with state power. The people's congresses exercise, in a unified manner, state power in respect of legislation, supervision, decision-making on major issues, election and appointment of officials, etc., and also delegate to other state organs a part of power, including creating administrative, judicial, procuratorial and supervision organs of the state which exercise the administrative power, judicial power, procuratorial power and supervision power respectively. People's congresses create and supervise administrative, judicial, procuratorial and supervision organs and are in charge of decision-making, while administrative, judicial and procuratorial organs that are created and supervised by people's congresses are responsible for implementing their decisions. They neither hold each other back nor challenge each other with opposing views. The supervision commissions, which are neither administrative organs nor judicial organs, are specifically responsible for exercising supervision power independently. China's state organ differs in nature from the "separation of powers" between parliaments, governments and courts of western countries, and will not result in endless discussions without reaching a decision, a failure to implement the decisions, or low efficiency.

The system of people's congresses is based on the principle of proper division of power between central and local congresses. The system of people's congresses establishes China's unitary system. State power is properly divided between central and local congresses on the premise that the central congress' centralized leadership is guaranteed, so as to fully arouse the enthusiasm and initiative of local congresses. Given various development status in different areas in China, all local major issues are subject to decision-making by local people's congresses at various levels that shall take responsibility for the constituents who elect their deputies. As China operates the regional ethnic autonomy system in places where minorities inhabit, the organs of the self-government in ethnic autonomous areas enjoy not only the ordinary power the local organs of state power have, but also the right to autonomy. This mechanism not only ensures the centralized leadership of the central congress but also grants proper autonomy to local congresses, making it possible to bring into full play their respective initiative and effectively maintain national unity and ethnic solidarity.

"One pair of shoes need not be the same as another; it need only fit the wearer's feet; governance need not be of only one kind; it need only benefit the people." As the fundamental political system ensuring Chinese people run the country, the system of people's congresses, developed under the conditions of the Chinese society and rooted in traditional culture and history of China, conforms to national conditions and actualities of China, meets the needs of the development of the times, and shines as not only a great creation integrating Chinese wisdom but also an invaluable asset contributed by the Chinese people to the political civilization and rule of law of the world.

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